Fate of the Republic: fateoftherepublic.com:8888
Fate of the Republic :: FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions


Table of Contents:

  1. Controlling (Turbo)Lifts
    1. How do these turbolifts work?
    2. The lift command doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. Space Flying and Space Travel
    1. How do I fly?
    2. Why can't I seem to land?
    3. Ships are so expensive! How can I get around if I don't own a ship?
  3. The Force, Forcers, and Jedi
    1. How do I know if my character has the Force?
    2. What does it take to be a Jedi?
    3. If I butter up the imms real good, will they give me a Jedi character?
    4. I'm getting conflicting information about how I can get a Jedi character. Which answer is the right one?
  4. Faction Questions
    1. Is it safe for me to go to an opposing faction's planet?
    2. Which faction should I join?
  5. Skills, attribute and level Information
    1. What's up with the level system here?
    2. Where can I learn my skills?
    3. What skills do I have?
    4. The Quest System
  6. Communication and Interacting In-Character
    1. What channels are there?
    2. How do you use a comlink?
    3. How can you emote on ooc?
    4. How do you smile/laugh/etc when you talk?
    5. I've seen some people emote without having to put their name/short description at the beginning. How do you do that?
    6. It says I need to be advanced to do something, what does this mean?
  7. About Your Health
    1. Help, I have a broken leg and walking around is taking forever. What do I do?
    2. What are these weird infections?
    3. What other diseases are in the game should I know about?
  8. Making Money
    1. How can I make money on FotR?
    2. How do I deliver packages? Where do I go to do that?
    3. Where/how can I mine?
    4. How do I open a shop?
  9. Who and MUD Prompts
    1. What happened to the WHO list?
    2. How do I customize my prompt?
    3. What is the command to customize the prompt on a spaceship?

  1. Controlling (Turbo)Lifts
    1. How do these turbolifts work?
        Most turbolifts work via the "lift" command. See "help lift" for details. You will see "A turbolift call button is attached to the wall" in the room, if there is a lift you can use with the "lift" command.
    2. The lift command doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong?
        There are other kinds of lifts scattered around the galaxy. Some require you to "push button" to call the lift and then to "push <floor name/number>" to activate the lift. Others are voice activated. A good rule of thumb is try the lift command first. If there are buttons, use "push." If you don't see buttons, try voice commands.

  2. Space Flying and Space Travels
    1. How do I fly?
        There are several places where you can find out how to fly a spaceship. If you review the academy handbook you were given when you made your character, it will give you a crash course lesson on space travel. There is also a newbie guide on this website that explains it a little more in-depth. Lastly, "help space2" is an excellent resource on the more basic commands you can use.
    2. Why can't I seem to land?
        Landing seems to be a delicate art that requires practice and good timing. The secret to landing is in getting within an altitude of 30 and a speed slow enough to type "land <landing pad name>" before your ship gets too close to the surface and rockets away again. If you find yourself bouncing away, simply "course <planet>" and try again.
    3. Ships are so expensive! How can I get around if I don't own a ship?
      1. You could take public transportation. Some go between two planets, while the Luxury Liner Pendragon makes stops at several planets. Type "shuttles" to see what shuttles are functioning.
      2. Another way of traveling is by renting a public ship. You can call for a rental by typing "taxi" while on landing pad. It will take several minutes to arrive if there isn't one already there and will cost you 200 credits. It also costs 200 credits to launch. You can only use rentals while you're a citizen, so plan accordingly.

  3. The Force, Forcers, and Jedi
    1. How do I know if my character has the Force?
        A Jedi must sense you ICly. However, beware: those who request to be sensed will be ignored.
    2. What does it take to be a Jedi?
        Force is rolled randomly at character creation.
    3. If I butter up the imms real good, will they give me a Jedi character?
    4. I'm getting conflicting information about how I can get a Jedi character. Which answer is the right one?
        The ultimate answer is simply that an imm may or may not deem you worthy of having a forcer. Which answer is correct is highly dependent on the mood of the imm staff and the trustworthiness of the playerbase.

  4. Faction Questions
    1. Is it safe for me to go to an opposing faction's planet?
        No, although you may be able fly through the system or orbit the planet. However, if you try to roam the planet, you will most likely find yourself under attack.
    2. Which faction should I join?
        This is a decision that should be left completely up to you. Both sides have their own appeal, advantages, and drawbacks. Weigh your options carefully and take your time in coming to a decision.

  5. Skills, attribute and level information
    1. What's up with the level system here?
      Fate of the Republic uses an unique multi-class system that we call the profession system. Unlike other multi-class systems you may find, you won't come across any soldier-pilots or Bounty Hunter-politicians here. Using a three-tier system, you first select your profession, then specialize in your chosen field. eg, A pilot can specialize as a pirate, smuggler or ship builder, but not a bounty hunter.

      i. A player begins the game as a citizen. A citizen possesses skills (such as the ability fly starfighters, make simple comlinks and basic combat techniques) to help them on their way.

      ii. After a citizen meets certain requirements (see "help profession") they are ready choose their profession (Soldier, Engineer, Pilot, Agent, Leader). A player with a profession gains the ability to purchase skills specific to their class with Skill Points(SP), which are gained with every other level. Skills cost 4SP a piece. As an example, a soldier can purchase the ability to make more attacks per round, bash a door down and build blockades.

      iii. Once a player becomes experienced with the game (help speciality) they can begin the path of becoming a specialist in their chosen profession (help specialty_table). Once you gain your speciality, you may learn all the skills in your chosen specialization. This is the last tier a player may reach, the "highest level".

    2. Where can I learn my skills?
        There are no skill trainers. You can train your skills anywhere, using the PRACTICE command.
    1. What skills do I have?
        Type "practice" to see your current skills and their levels. If you type "slist" you will see a list of all the skills you can potentially learn, given the profession, your level in each profession, and your level caps.
    2. The Quest System.

        Fate of the Republic offers players an unique, player driven Quest system designed to encourage player interaction and roleplay. Chosen individuals (those who have proven themselves trustworthy in the eyes of the staff ) have the ability to act as QuestMasters, assigning players various quests of their own creation. A quest can be anything from 'Go to Endor and bring back the corpse of Wicket' to 'Retrieve the Prototype Starfighter', for a pre-specified amount of quest points, which are later used to do things such as purchase Restricted Races, cloning, and auctions. While questing is not required, it is highly recommended, as quest points are typically required to buy the better parts, faster ships and more intense races.


  6. Communication and Interacting In-Character
    1. What channels are there?
        See "help channels" or type "allchannels". A good rule of thumb is to simply type listen all, and remove channels as they suit you. Remember, ooc, newbiechat, ask, answer, and factionooc are all out of character channels. Gemote is usually considered OOC, however can be used IC when the proper occasion calls for it.
    2. How do you use a comlink?
      1. You can beep people you know by their name (if introduced to you) or by their short description to get them on the channel you are tuned to.
      2. You can find out what channel you are tuned into by typing tune by itself. You can change channels by typing tune # any number between 0 – 201
      3. To talk on your comlink, you can use the talk command.
      4. You can also encrypt your conversation via the "encrypt" command. See "help encrypt" to learn how to use it.
    3. How can you emote on ooc?
        Use the ooc channel as you normally would, but begin with the "@" symbol.
    4. How do you smile/laugh/etc when you talk?
        The best way to do this is simply to use emote, using quotation marks around what you would normally be saying. However, you can smile or laugh in "say" by adding :) or :D respectively to the beginning. A space is not required.
    5. I've seen some people emote without having to put their name/short description at the beginning. How do you do that?
        You can use <semote> to start your emote with something other than your name or short description. However, it requires your character's name to be written somewhere inside the emote. If you don't, it will place it in parentheses at the end.
    6. It says I need to be advanced to do something. What does this mean?
        FotR uses a unique system to simulate player location in a given room. A player has three positions: Neutral (which they begin in), advanced (standing near) and retreated (standing away). Your position dictates certain things, such as what weapons you should use, and whether or not you can interact with an NPC or other player.
      (1) Interacting with NPCs and players
        Jumping right to an example, to buy something from an NPC vendor, you must be advanced upon them. To give something (or be given something) to another player, you must be advanced on them. It is important to note here that for any NPC quests that gives a reward, you must be advanced upon the NPC to recieve it, otherwise you will get nothing.
      (2) Combat
        Advance and retreat has a heavy impact on player combat. It affects which weapons are effective where, and helps you dodge those pesky stun grenades. Combat is split into two types on FotR. Melee and Ranged. A blaster is most effective in the neutral position, and while it can be used in the advanced position it loses 75% of it's accuracy due to handling in close quarters. In the fully retreated position it loses only 25% accuracy, due to the advanced range. It is wise to only use a blaster against an opponent who is also wielding a blaster or other ranged weapon. Melee weappons can only be used in the advanced position. Vibroblades, bludegons, force pikes and Lightsabers all have a limited range, therefore you must close (ADVANCE) upon your target to use them. These are ideal to use against unarmed NPCs, as an NPC will continuously advance upon you in combat if it is not wielding a blaster. As an addition, STUN GRENADES can also be retreated from, since they have a targetted area effect. Also, note that FLEE can ONLY be used in the neutral or retreated positions. You CANNOT flee combat from the advanced position.

  7. Health
    1. Help, I have a broken leg and walking around is taking forever. What do I do?
        Your first step should be to use "chat" and see if there are any players who can splint a broken leg. If there's no one who can help you, visit one of the medical centers or hospitals on the planet and see the doctor there. Make sure you have set "config +consent" to give the doctor or player permission to operate on you.
    2. What are these weird infections?
        Various diseases and infections are caused by your environment, such as handling thermal detonators for example.
    3. What other diseases are in the game should I know about?
        See "help diseases" for more details about diseases and their causes and cures.

  8. Making Money
    1. How can I make money on FotR?
        There are several ways of earning credits here. You could deliver packages, mine for precious metals, join a faction, hire your services to other players (piloting, spying, etc), open a shop and sell rare finds or engineered goods!
    2. How do I deliver packages? Where do I go to do that?
        Most planets have a Package Delivery Center where you can request packages and deliver them to. See "help package" for details on the commands you should use.
    3. Where/how can I mine?
        Af'El has extensive mines for you to search for precious metals and valuables. The mines can be dangerous as there are wild animals and the threat of cave-ins. Be certain to bring or buy plenty of light sources as the mines are dark. While in the Mines, use the "search" command to try to find something buried.
    4. How do I open a shop?
        First you must find a location that allows player shops. Several planets have areas called "Freeshop" centers. These usually have empty shops that players can rent for use of keeping a vendor. See "help buyvendor" on how to obtain and place a vendor. When you want to collect the earnings of your sales, type "collect" while in the same room as your vendor.

  9. Who and MUD Prompts
    1. Why can't I see anyone on the WHO list?
        To facilitate a more in-character enviroment, the WHO command has been reworked to only show Immortals and new players. Use COMNET instead, which is it's IC equivalent.
    2. How do I customize my prompt?
        To customize your prompt, see "help prompt" to learn the basics of changing your prompt.
    3. What is the command to customize the prompt on a spaceship?
        See "help sprompt" to learn about customizing the ship prompt.